Recent content by bluter

  1. bluter

    Growonix company any good?

    RO membrane gph rating determines your micrometer size. higher waste flow is usually due to a higher filtering ratio. my RO system accepts generic filters and membranes. if i use a smaller micrometer filter i get less gph and a lower ppm, and more waste water. the real test is the ppm after...
  2. bluter

    Green nodules on my auto

    at this point it's seeded. a lot of the damage has been done. i'd try hang on but remove as many of the nanners as you can. they'll keep showing up now too. pull as soon as you can stand the trichs. a simple spray down and wipe everything with a favorite mild cleaner will do it. even...
  3. bluter

    Hard Water & CalMag

    hydro and passive feeding systems like the blumats are always better to run on RO.
  4. bluter

    Green nodules on my auto

    leave autos at 18/6 or higher for daylight hours. 17 and under will slow development and allow it to go longer. allowing it to go longer increases the likelihood of a hermie developing. autos like long daylight hours at a lower level than would be run for photo plants.
  5. bluter

    Still problems problems & yet more problems

    depends on the fungus. 2:1 water to milk is the common powdery mildew mix. 1:1 lemon mix is often preferred for others. the milk spray is supposed to work best with sunlight but it does work under hid and led as well. lemon works everywhere.
  6. bluter

    Green nodules on my auto

    it's an auto. they stress super easy and hermie. the yellow part at the bottom of your pic is a male flower that has already opened and distributed pollen.
  7. bluter

    Green nodules on my auto

    yup it's a hermie. oh well.
  8. bluter

    Still problems problems & yet more problems

    ...spray and clean
  9. bluter

    So many questions!!

    aero gardens are meant to be flipped much much sooner to control the size of the plant. you've got an auto so you have no influence over that.
  10. bluter

    Still problems problems & yet more problems

    run off ph will tell you next to nothing. it's the inputs that matter simply mix lemon juice with water or milk 50/50 and use as a spray. don't worried about the ph of the spray mix.
  11. bluter

    Still problems problems & yet more problems

    wiping the leaves down with a mild milk solution will do it. lemon juice can take it out as well. it's the mild natural acids that will kill it if is fungal. i've got the same thing going on right now. i'm just watching for the moment to see it it's ongoing.
  12. bluter

    Still problems problems & yet more problems

    did you have them near a fan ? what ph are you feeding them at ? not watering to runoff will spike ph in a soil pot. edit : black is fungal infection, stress ( wind or light ), and ph. almost always a combination, not just one thing. i'm hoping you missed the fungal infection. that would...
  13. bluter

    Still problems problems & yet more problems

    looks like a ph issue or a nute excess. the feeding practices followed here would indicate ph trouble. if they were weak when they got sprayed down that would also take a bunch of leaves out. won't be mold if the rh is low.
  14. bluter

    1st time grower. A few issues arising in mid flower

    could probably get by with just a mild late stage booster for flower and a little cal-mag. you won't be able to simply jump in with a full nute program when using a nuted soil intended for start to finish. more than a good chance it will burn up the plants. you are right on top of finish...
  15. bluter

    How do I reverse the budding ?

    if growing outdoor only this is the answer. just leave them there and they will reveg on their own. this used to be done on purpose when you could only get regs to get rid of the males when the plants showed sex. the rest would reveg and continue. sometimes results in gnarly plant that...
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