Recent content by Aweedtec

  1. A

    Small issue of wilting

    They were part Pistachio which was an auto and part blueberry pancakes which was a photo. I know it has both in it because it came off the pistachio plant while growing next to the BBP and when the last three plants grew they turned red like BBP which pistachio turned slightly brown on some...
  2. A

    Small issue of wilting

    Same seeds. Totally different looking. And these are going to be huge. Is it possible since they are part auto and part photo that the auto doesn't take this time? I would assume since they look 100 percent different from each other maybe the lighter one will auto bud but darker one might not...
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  4. A

    Bud Doublin Nutes chart confusion.

    I cant keep a water schedule because the water wont dissipate in the buckets. This sort of blows my mind because I cant remember this happening. And watering every other day would be just sending water through the buckets for the sake of sending water through the buckets. But the plants are slow...
  5. A

    Small issue of wilting

    Just an opened end with a piece of Mylar hanging. I want it easy to take down. After this grow that will be converted into an efficiency apartment. I had to buy a huge dehumidifier because the one I bought that was supposed to do a 1100 sf room wouldn't do 40sf. But the new dehumidifier draws...
  6. A

    Small issue of wilting

    Took me about 2 hours to make this 4x10 area in my basement. And it's all temporary. Nothing is nailed except a few studs. It's now 72 degrees in there and outside the room my basement with the vents closed is 59 degrees. Dehumidifier is running too.
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  9. A

    Small issue of wilting

    I took them all inside. I don't know what did it but I don't have enough light in my yard anywhere. So the roof was the only place. Now I am stuck with lights on all summer which jacks my bill up. Oh well.
  10. A

    Small issue of wilting

    I agree. You should have seen where my roommate had them before I moved them. Sitting in two inches of water. That was maybe just about a 1/4 inch.
  11. A

    Small issue of wilting

    We just flushed them. They are gonna back in the tent.
  12. A

    Small issue of wilting

    Yes. But different days. Over a three or four days period.
  13. A

    Small issue of wilting

    These are the two that made it. The one in the back was the big leaf plant. Same strain. The one in the front was the one with twisted leaves. They are outside being flushed but man did they darken up from another dose of Dr earth veg. Started shown g a bit of signs of burn but not terrible...
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  15. A

    Bud Doublin Nutes chart confusion.

    This is extremely confusing because they don't say which of the three amendments in the kit to get the 6.5 tablespoons From. I assume it's the grow. But....It doesn't tell how much biocarbon to use. Then there is the issue of ROOTS. If you look on the chart it says roots and it's in the...
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