Recent content by Acid

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  4. Acid

    My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

    No, the current plant is in plain biobizz, no extra perlite in this case. It's my last biobizz grow, just wanted to get rid of it. As of today, the plant looks even worse. I changed to 20/4 as a middle ground which is usually the cycle everyone runs with autos, and lowered PPFD to 300...
  5. Acid

    My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

    The pot is raised, it just looks a bit "funky" 😁 I do use pot raisers, they just seem invisible in this image. FYI - This problem needs no "background knowledge". All old problems are gone, have been for a long time. I just went back here because I didn't wanna open up another thread for this...
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    WhatsApp Image 2024-06-05 at 11.49.39_0fe217eb.jpg

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  9. Acid

    My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

    Quick question - Any ideas? This plant looked like this yesterday, pot was rather light after the last watering ~4 days ago. I watered as usual with Biobizz, 6.5PH, Grow, Algamic, Activera, nothing out the ordinary. Today, it still looks like this. Severely droopy leaves, top growth turning a...
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  11. Acid

    My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

    The CO2 reader was just to check the ambient CO2, I didn't add any. Just normal CO2 in the air, as I was generally interested in how high the CO2 PPM in the tent is. Don't worry, no CO2 stuff, I'm way too stupid for that. The autopots aren't hooked up yet, they're 100% ready though. I'd just...
  12. Acid

    My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

    So a few updates - I know that this thread is slowly moving away from the actual problem I had & finally fixed, but I don't wanna open an extra thread just for another problem, I hope this is fine! My old plant in biobizz substrate seems to be fine again. I did lots of LST once again...
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  15. Acid

    My seedlings are yellowing once again. Why am I cursed with this?

    Temps and humidity are rather fine, around 23-24°C / 73-75°F, with humidity at around 60-65%. My gutfeeling says too much N too, but somehow the leaves actually seem fine. Nothing too dark of a green, no waxy leaves, no burnt tips, this plant is technically 100% healthy so far. It's just that...
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