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  • Hey bro that was such a nice message I only just seen it,,
    an the same to you you are one of the main reasons why
    its the support:high-five:
    Hey bro that was such a nice message I only just seen it,,
    an the same to you you are one of the main reasons why
    its the support
    Thank you way too much for your words friend :Love: I am honoured to hear that from you
    Thanks for the reps, glad to help out. Don't sweat a little moisture, just don't drown them. You don't have to spray the buds, the leaves will do the uptake, fans are good for very few things, but this is one of them.
    It's your very first grow? I am excited for you. I will definitely be watching, I am just on my second grow which is much better than my first. Wishing you much success...
    Same here bro with the voltron lol. I figured this tells folks a lil about me but still keeps me anonymous:) I hope things are looking up for you as well, funny how the universe works timing is everything. We all encourage one another here @ 420 all the time, so thank you too bro made my day reading your post!!
    Hi THsea, I just wanted to send you a personal shout out for the love you have displayed within 420 as well as with our pal, yours personally :) OMM! You have a great aura within you that is extremely encouraging. I know you don't need any encouragement from me but, please keep up the good work in being a rare individual these days! This is a beautiful place to be (420Mag) with awesome folks to share our passion with. Thank you again and again.
    Hi THSee. Have you had any progress with tinctures yet? Not sure how to send a private message, sp hope you get this. I'm on hold why a fellow is trying to find me a Syrup clone. Do I have the name correct? I also have some info you might like. Happy holidays!
    Thanks for adding me Friend! I think I got that picture from OMM.. he comes up with some good stuff. lol
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