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  • Yay!!
    Another Minnesotan!

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    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground

    I'm having the same issues with the squirrels. Stole all of my peppers and even decapitated an entire pepper plant. They threw tomatoes all over the yard and took single bits out of my cukes. Little jerks have been digging up every flowerpot I have, tossing the plants out and planting acorns in them.
    They even ate a hole in my fabric pot.

    I've been shooting at them with a Nerf gun.
    This is the first year we’ve had issues with them. They were doing the same with our tomatoes, they left the cukes alone along with all types of peppers, beets, carrots, beans and everything else really. They just went to town on the eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes. They chewed through 2 of our potato bags and dug through the raised bed of potatoes. We tried to get the kids out there with their Nerf guns as well….
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    They are pretty fun to watch in the winter. They eat the fermented crabapples on our tree and get drunk.
    They get the spins. Hilarious 😂
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