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  • Cool and cloudy/smokey, an long range forecast is for lower than average temps. yer kinda freaking me out weather, should I expect August weather in September ?
    It a beautiful day in the neighborhood, the smokey skies are... well smokie. with all the wild fires every year I think they should replant all the burnt up forest with cannabis. Then next year fire season will be joyful instead of depressing... ahhh just imagine it, the world will be like one giant joint
    Had a near death experience early yesterday. My moron neighbor decided to repair the trash barrels he uses in his landscaping business. so at 12 in the am, he's working in the basement with fiberglass and fiberglass resin. the fumes built up in my apartment and caused me to have a major seizure, I was still hooked up to the brain scanner and the wires got wrapped around my neck. had a short talk with Buddha and he said it's not my time yet an some how I survived it. So I had friendly chat with my neighbor and calmly told him the errors of his ways, luckily the cops that showed up understood my point of view. I really love the song, I want somebody to shove. We all need to vent once and a while ✌️
    What the fudge, terrorist are going after Taylor Swift. what they trying to get crazy with them Swifties... don't you know they loco, so don't try it... a swiftie like me will start a riot... Insane for the tay tay, insane for the tay... went insane got no Taylor, throw you overboard just like a drunk sailor 🎶
    WooHoo! football season, ya first look at the new Qb. yep I just can't deal with it, why did Tom have get old an leave me... 😢
    I ask myself why but about Manning :)
    Peyton or his cheating little brother? lol
    New avatar, my dad worked in a foundry that made bronze statues and plaques he made this frog door stop. over the years we moved several times and I had lost track of it. I found this pic online, my sister had given it to a family friend who displayed it in a small museum that was part of his odd collectables
    Morning 🌅 4:50 in the am, it's still dark. if I didn't have flowers on a 12/12 schedule I'd probably be depressed about it. but I can have a positive attitude because i need shorter days for my plants. it also going to rain this morning and I can't go for my walk... but the sun will come out tomorrow.
    Brain scan went fine, it was more of a formality so the insurance would pay for the extended brain scan. because I don't have epilepsy per-say I have encephalitis that causes me to have epileptic seizure. so the strob light and stuff doesn't cause me to have a seizure.
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    neither did I, at 63 years old it came out of nowhere
    I get it, I've never been a I need to go to the Dr kinda person. unless the pain is unbearable or I'm losing a lot of blood. At first the seizure were very minor I'd just kind of just get a blank look and
    stare of into the distance, not that unusual for me lol. but then the meds low dose at first, and every little thing and the first reaction by the Dr is... up the dose of meds add more meds. the more meds the worse the seizure got. now I'm told I'm at the high end of my meds any higher dose will do more harm than good.
    Ah seizures, no diagnosis? No prescriptions stopped suddenly? Mental health meds? Have concentrates been tried? Feel free to reach out, I do have some experience and can at least help direct towards a knowledgeable source in many cases and provide limited guidance based on my own current knowledge level albeit lacking.
    I have to get a brain scan today. I keep telling them you can scan all you want but I don't think you'll find anything, it sounds kinda hollow in there to me
    • Haha
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    Brain scan, sounds like a blast.
    It was the quick one is so much fun, they do this stroblight thing and it's as close to an LSD flashback as it gets.
    The strob light was so fun, the first time it shut off I saw pink an yellow triangles and then the next were reddish circles, the final 2 after the light stopped my sight went dark and it was like I was looking up at a starry night. very trippy experience, if only I had been stoned 🙃
    my typing skills (if I ever had any) have gotten really bad. so just replace the wrong word with whatever word sounds like makes more sense. my daughter suggested I try talk to type. I'm not sure, I already talk to my plants and talk to and insult the over priced products in the supermarket, luckily I have no front yard or else I'd be yelling at the damn kids to stay off my lawn. maybe I should just accept it, I'm a cranky old man.
    I've been having weird brain issues and couldn't get in touch with my neurologist or my immunologist because of the blue screen of death bull shite even tho I'm just trying to make a phone call. I finally managed to get thru after a week and he thinks I might be having seizures again and I should careful of my surroundings until I get a brain scan... would have been nice to have known that before I walked for two hours and crossed the Fore river bridge twice
    What long strange trip it's been. Lost internet about a month ago and have been having 420 withdrawals ever since. the shakes had stopped a few days ago I've been taking pics and I'll try and update my journal asap.
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