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  • Space Gems! 10mg....

    Werkin on different types of edibles this weekend! Crazy tasty!
    Gummies First! Working on Space Candy next!

    You are an inspiration. Got my spreadsheet going. I feel a sense of freedom and control at the same time. Either that or a mad scientist lol. Blessing from Massachusetts
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    Reactions: BeanTownFan420
    Me and inspiration? I don't know about that! The spreadsheet (along with weed) is for sure a life saver! It really does help me relax and keep things that are important at the top, and the noise at the bottom. Not sure if you have checked out the Massachusetts thread. Lots of us Massholes on here. Here is a link to the thread: MassGrowers
    I have a 3 ring binder that is my journal. Then I photo album on the phone. Then use my brain too. Uugh. Too many pages, places and old brain. Spreadsheet 1 place with aahh.
    That's just what this MassHole needs. With NE weather and all. Wicked cool.
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