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  • Growing outdoors in AZ, planted late April, plant is approx. 3.5-4', flowered in about June but flowers are still very small since daylight is still 13+ hours. Old leaves have yellowed off, pistils have turned red, growing in 20 gal fabric pot with Ocean Forest, watering when drooping with 1 gallon distilled water x Big Bloom x Tiger bloom x solubles every other watering. I'm wondering if she'll fruit after AZ sunlight drops to less than 12 hours daily come end of Sept...I know Haze can take a long time to fruit and hnere in AZthe plant received direct sun from 6:30 AM - 4:15 PM: can heat stress inhibit flowering? I've always grown indoors with 18 hr/12 hr lighting so this is my outdoor grow.
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