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  • Hey friend just wanted to mention congrats on that beast of a win!!! Even with white fly’s she still looked pretty amazing to me!!! Now that’s called art in my mind you can tell you took your time with her and great care:headbanger:
    My first indoor grow was done on a crazy budget :laugh: I’m luckily I even got threw it while getting off that laundry list of meds I was on to this amazing plant and all the members on here I have to thank for getting me threw the times that my mind was in crazy places!!;) Well deserved my friend keep that green thumb green and I really hope all is well in your world stay medicated:passitleft:
    I hear ya!!! I had to butt heads with my long time landscape owner friend Just to make some extra funding around my place go places it needed to and so that I’m not causing issues when I reopen my business up in spring with him like it caused when I left as a young kid to venture into my own. He’s not someone interested into cannabis like I am so it’s still something I have to hide from people at the moment at least until I’ve got my crews back up and running full time again!! (Going to be a long road!!!)Been 6 years of money pinching my friend so I completely understand that’s one reason I came to 420! I do like the fact that I don’t have to use the nutes I was using at the time and now put the focus on nutes just made for this amazing plant. Cheers tho bro no harm no foul I will be asking about this remo line tho as I will have to completely change it up in the garden.:passitleft:
    Well, looks like someone just got more votes than me at the last minute. Maybe next time...
    Well!!!!! still damn good art work my friend keep pushin threw em!!! That plant will get my vote every time it’s up their!!!:bravo:
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