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  • Hey Ween,
    I didn't want to clog up the FHO thread too much with questions.
    Are you able to tell me if you keep the valve open when decarbing in water or is it only once you add the oil that you open the valve to evaporate the water?
    Apologies for all the questions
    hey i have a couple quick questions. my plants are needing watered now every two and a half days. do i still fertilize every other watering? and also i use about a gallon and a half when i water my plants so i use about 15 drops of tea for 7 gallons of soil, thats about right isn't is? i been meaning to ask you that for a while now but i kept forgetting. hope your having a good day!
    whats up buddy? i got a question, now that im flowering the calendar with doc buds kit says to use recharge, and earth worm castings. i have earthworm casting tea, but not earthworm castings. i will post a pic of the tea for you to see on my grow journal, is it ok to substitute this for the dry earthworm castings? im going to do a watering in a few minutes, so i thought i should ask first.
    Hey Fuzzy! Sorry, just saw this message. So weird, this option. I almost never check my own profile so don't see these messages. Feel free to pm me, click start conversation. I think you asked some of these questions in your journal. Let me know there or by pm if you have any other questions.
    I am a new owner of the perfect sun max yield and was wondering if you had any insight to the veg and bloom controls of the light? I have contacted Neil a few times and his answers are vague at best. His answer was turn it on full and grow.
    Little things like what switch or dimmer controls exactly what leds? The light is so new that there isn’t much info out there on the subject.
    Any other tips you may have for this light would be much appreciated.

    Thank you for your time,

    Rooster 2012
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    Hey Rooster! Oddly enough, I just asked Neil this question in another members thread the other day and here is his response, The switches on my lights are only to control the power. I veg and flower with the same spectrum, the sun. :)
    The first switch is for seedlings if you want to get the light closer, next is for early veg and then full blast the rest of the way. I personal go full blast from day one. I just start with the light farther away.

    Let me know if this helps and if you have any other questions.
    Also, you can expirament with the switches to see which leds/cobs they light up. Going forward, I'm gonna take his advice and run full tilt once the seedlings are a few weeks old.
    Rooster 2012
    Hey thanks for the quick response. So when you say full blast, you mean both veg and bloom switches on and both dimmer switches on as well. The only difference between grow and bloom then would be the hours of light and darkness your giving your girls?
    Thanks again for your insight..... I have a blue cheese, Northern lights and a chem dawg started on my first grow using the max yield.
    Happy growing and thanks again for your time.
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