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  • Hello everyone,God bless the Troops, I know I said I would dissaper untill my project was complete,,I'm violating my own protocol,screw it,its my protocol,,lol,,i will be popping on and off uploading pics,little by little,im gathering as much info as I can for you guys to learn the ways of my little techniques,if I can help one person double or triple their yeilds,with a couple of my Teqniques,then my work is done,time is not money,but,in today's society most believe time is money,and theirfor you should maximize every root,leaf,and push everything to the limit,IN A SMALL GEOPOT.same with a large geopot,,put your foot in it as thay say in the cooking world..HAPPY GROWING.ps. God bless every soldier out in the field right now risking their life for America ,while we're all safe at home,with air conditioning, and our little gardens,continue to be strong and represent the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to the best of your ability....
    Hello everyone,thanks for enjoying my pics.LET THE GAMES BEGIN,you guys should start to tighten up your security,this is the time where weirdos,try to be hero's,i've already recorded a couple,lol,,with business ties on,no more code enforcement uniforms,atleast not for me,,,regular clothes,i will be making a compalation of all the weirdos I see throughout this project,so everyone can know what to look for,,i will be going off the grid.untill this is complete I apologize for the lack of info,regarding my journals,maybe I'll update everything before I disappear.I will not only have at least 12 completed journals when I return,,but a very sad ,yet funny video of people who will stop at nothing , to keep you from growing,so to those out there getting ready to try to be hero's,you will be starring in my next big movie,EDzMED420,candid camera..lol..I LOVE EVERY GROWER on the planet,you guys inspire me to keep going,never stop growing.EDzMEDz420. OUT....HAPPY GROWING..
    Hello,please enjoy the pics,i have my hands full,i will be finishing up with the first half of profiles for each strain soon,THANK YOU for your time..HAPPY GROWING..
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