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  • I just saw some plants, I take it you grown them, you are standing in front of them outdoors in Hawaii.... :bravo:
    Really nice plants, props ... :adore:

    MV... :popcorn:
    Yes 420 what a week> I will send to myou some good footage video and also update you on whats going on over here, we have been soooooooooooooo busy the new store Cloud 9 Emporium & Gifts is going well> the Dr, (referred to as 2,00 patients)in todays International section on Hawaii is starting Monday in our office seeing the West Side patients, in Kona. Teri Heede is whom I have been standing with at the Capitol in all meetings. She is a great person.
    Same as Jeanne Ohta of the DPG of Hawaii. 2 rightous women in this fight for justice and change. I have been honored to stand with them with your help and visions being spread Brother 420> Loves and Hugs. Cherma
    Sending you lots of love, respect and positive energy through the universe. ॐ
    Hi my friend. Do you know of anyone who has used Menehune potting soil. It's all organic and was wondering how good it is. I used FF Ocean forest and have had issues with it. Thought I would try something else. Thanks.
    Yes the Volcano tok another house last night in its wake of destruction, or making new earth as I say.. no one was hurt.. The eternal Rim of Fire
    Glad to see you back! Sucks about the volcano, but I can relate since ours keeps spouting off here also! Your only as old as you feel! ;)
    Aloha Guys and Gals out there in well, AlwaysAlways 420 Land.. Great to be around again as business and personal situations had to be attended to. and of course it is long season over here. The tropical rain forest are still a great place to run around in even for this ol' man.
    I will be toking around here more often especially since the coconut wireless is finally operating again between the never ending Volcano 20 miles from me, that is still erupting since 1984..:smokin:
    could u give me some good tips on how to clone correctly, i am not sure where to cut, how wet to have the medium, or how big the cutting should be. i would like my clones to root in 5 days like yours!!!
    question: Can I soak my rockwool in growing solution? I am stuck on this starting a seed ? Can ya help brother?
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