Washington State New Grower needs questions answered

  • Media owner YoJoLo
  • Date added
I am a first time grower. A really, really green newbie.
A friend of mine who uses cannabis medicinally gave me two plants last week. I\'m having some problems so any help you could give me would be appreciated. Here\'s all the info I have on what she gave me:
1) The plants are about 18quot; tall, are very spindly, and are growing in red keg cups with holes in the bottom. You can see the plug it was originally grown in was planted into potting soil with perlite. I\'m not sure if that\'s how they came from the medical pot store.lt;br /2) I have not used any fertilizer since I acquired them a week ago.lt;br /3) I just tested the pH of my well water and it is between 6.5-7.0lt;br /4) I\'ve been doing 16/8 and on sunny days, they are put outside. I bring them in at dusk and continue with a grow light until they\'ve had 16 hours.lt;br /5) I\'ve been using a 65 watt grow light and when I place my hand on the top of the plants I am feeling a little warmth.
This is the problem. Today I noticed that the tips on some of the leaves are turning brown and the edges yellowing. I\'ve posted a picture. I\'ve been watering once a day and I know I\'ve overwatered so I will be buying a moisture probe tomorrow.
My questions are:
1) Are they ready for transplant? If so what size container?lt;br /2) I bought some Fox Farm Grow Big Concentrate (6-4-4) at the hydroponic store. The owner said to use half strength (1 teaspoon) in a gallon of water.lt;br /3) I\'ve since read that I should only water when the last inch of soil at the bottom of the pot is only slightly moist. Is this correct?lt;br /4) Even though the plant is pretty spindly, can I take a cutting from each one to clone or do you think I should wait until they are more healthy?
Told you I had a lot of questions.
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