Toxic Fluid

Pure Kush

That is what this is.amp;nbsp; A pure sativa strain.amp;nbsp; I am going to grow a few crops of this and see what I can do with it.amp;nbsp; It has great potential.amp;nbsp; The problem is the plant is a tall growing variety.amp;nbsp; I am going to modify the grow period and other conditions in order for it to thrive in an indoor arena.
The RBG is powerful medicine, (and that\'s what is growing all round it), with a little sativa mixed in.amp;nbsp; Nevertheless if your body is wracked with mussle pain; with RBG you will sleep like a log amp;amp; wake up refreshed feeling a whole lot better.
That being said, for entertainment purposes something containing more Sativa is called for.amp;nbsp; The Pure Kush is 100% Sativa with long narrow leaves as opposed to the football shaped leaves of RBG.amp;nbsp; This strain should prove interesting.amp;nbsp; The fun hs allready started.
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