
Outdoor NE Newbie Scrog

  • Media owner DarkNuggz
  • Date added
Aigust 27th, 4 plants. A Mr. Nice Guy, a WhiteWidow and 2 Afghanicas.....made many mistakes. My light is crap, Too small containers, my scrog screen is too high and im on a pallet to get them off the ground besides, for insects, air circulation, mold etc i thought...I didnt get to start training them quick enuff because of the height but my screen is fairly full of buds for the most part so i think i did ok but..... All of them look fairly healthy except the White Widow is finicky about something, slighty yellow and the leaves all curled upwards and cupping. I fed them again today early with Fox Farms and i sure hope she just wants food not had too much nutes before...She was looking a tad better in the afternoon...Oh well...now its legal in Massachusetts i will get better next year Ha Ha.
Ive battled Gypsy Moths,Slugs crawling up them leaving like slime and disolving my leaves, found about 6 little bud worms so far and a couple bigger suckas as well....and freakin pesky birds shitting on my flowers ugh ! So its been a lot of work for a 4 by 5 scrog so i hope i get a good crop !! Next year a 10 by 10 Muahahaha
The Mr. Nice Guy smells great and is growing way fast....The White Widow smells lemony and i sure hope she produces well.....The Afghanicas are not as bushy as i liked.....I had all purple stalks on them and gave all the same food and care so i believe the color was normal for that type not a deficiency...but they should taste nice....purplish hairs all over....any comments/tips/suggestions would be great !
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