

Kush Update
Just checking in with an update. Hope everyone and their plants are doing well. It occurred to me that I never addressed a potentially glaring issue for anyone who has noticed my freakishly large smart pots (25 Gallon). I imagine readers are wondering "what the hell are you thinking?!) I'm here to answer that. In my year long absence I learned a lot about growing and talked with a lot of people, did my best to gain an education and one of the things that I came upon was roots which we all know are important and vital to any plants sustainability. Growers praise use of 'mycorrhizae' as im sure the majority of you are all familiar with. In clones gels, powders (in some cases both) are used to help build a root system. It occurred to me that if the roots are so damn important, why not give them more room? You wouldn't put a baby in diapers that are too small. If you could you'd likely live in the biggest house or apartment you could reasonably find. So the question becomes: "why are all growers concerned about pot size for height?" naturally there are some obvious correlations here but ultimately it's about how well you treat your plants and how well they are allowed to grow. So why put them in an apartment or a house (1 -10 gallon pot) when you could put them in a mansion and let them spread their proverbial wings? It's like driving from A to B with a car too small or flying in coach where everyone complains of cramped leg room. Size makes the difference and enhances comfort, so why not with plants? Anyone who has followed or flipped through any of the previous documented grows would be able to discern how much better this grow is from previous ones. I've learned to think about plants differently. Instead of worrying so much about how I can take care of the plant, I think about how I can best take care of the roots and in-doing so I have found that by taking care of the roots, the plants will take care of themselves (minus any manual leaf adjustments from wind or whatever situation but health wise, roots are all that need to be focused on. This of course is with the assumption the grower is competent in the areas of soil, light, watering, air flow, etc. I highly recommend trying it for yourselves with a single pot. Double or triple your current size and do absolutely nothing different (other than pot size).
I have a Purple K in a 25 Gallon pot and shes doing well just keep in mind root rot don't over water the girl and she just goes all out and i notice that she looks healthy happy.
I also have 30 gallon grow pots that are going into my green house in spring.
I see the same thing more room nicer plant. I also read the the roots of the plant don't really got more the 18 to 24 inches deep but they like to spread out so the bigger the diameter the larger the plant.
Just chinese led lights 450 watts each from wall. Equivalent to 1000 watts HPS I got 8 of them in my 10x10 grow tent and it not enough :confused: must be a better way for better lights
I’m using a Chinese LED “1000W” equivalent myself. I’m hoping to evolve my light setup to using true full spectrum something like the 420 sponsor sunplus uses.
Yep i would of like to go sunplus or the california lights but with what i paid would only got 2 lights but my next indoor grow ill start slowly 1 at a time

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