

Hi copperrein, my names ReservoirDog and it is very nice to meet you.

I'm really digging your thread skills and blown away by all of your other skills. Aegis, huh? Bad. Ass. I'm Canadian, we don't have such opportunities or obligations. We are very grateful to our brothers and sisters who provide a secure world for liberal democracy and despite the complete and utter farktards on cable TV, our countries have a bond written in blood on the battlefield and these are eternal. I am constantly reminding people of this here and they are very amenable afterward. People just don't understand history and the nature of geopolitics anymore. Fact is, we are faced with truly grave threats from within, yes, but even foreign revanchists have a hand in these internal conflicts. They mean to wrest liberal democracy from the world, make no mistake. So, thank you for having kept my family and country safe behind your shield with constant vigilance. We stand with you as a matter of course. But this battlefield brother and sisterhood means more than just answering the call and this is what we saw over Iraq. This single exception was due to our concerns over the validity of the intelligence animating this invasion argument. Hard to say that we had the wrong end of the stick on that one. Look, friends tell friends when they're wrong, and that's what we did. It hurt to be signaled as wimps on Fox and right wing figures but it didn't change the equation or answer, or even address them for that matter. Just wanted you to know there is a grateful world out there who support you.

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