Toxic Fluid

I didn't kill it yet!

Well, it suvived all attempts to kill it and yet it still lived.amp;nbsp; OH well, I put her in a nice 7 pot, gave her some water.amp;nbsp; I don\'t need extra nutrients because of what comes in the premix starter soil.amp;nbsp; Look at her go.amp;nbsp; She loves the extra bright flourescent 22 lamps.amp;nbsp; She has a lot to learn in the next few days.amp;nbsp; She has to learn how to push her roots through soil rather than the relatively soft rock-wool.amp;nbsp; She has to learn to drink through those same roots.amp;nbsp; It can be traumatic for the plant.amp;nbsp; Extra care is once again required in the form of frequent monitoring. amp;nbsp; For the next three or four days days it isimportant to keep the leaf surface moist.amp;nbsp; She is not in the clone chamber any longer so the relative humidity will be lower than what she has been accustomed.amp;nbsp; Nevertheless plants do have a way of surviving their early days.amp;nbsp; All they need is a little help over the rough spots at the start.amp;nbsp; Once that is accomplished, the girls may anticipate a care free life having only one bad day in their short lives which of course, is harvest day. HMMM, Under which catagory shall I post this time?amp;nbsp; If you have tuned in lately you would know of my ineptness regarding the proper catagory in which to post my lame pictures.amp;nbsp; It is simply because I am an idiot.amp;nbsp; There can be no other reason in this universe. It is unfortunate there is no usefull money that can be earned from such a state, except for that guy who goes abroad and does stupid things and gets paid a lot.amp;nbsp; Too bad that job is allready taken.amp;nbsp; I think I could have done just as good. ;)
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Toxic Fluid
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