Toxic Fluid

Head Shrink the Mother

I usually select two of the best and most vigerous clones and set them aside to be the MOTHER of the next clone generation. That\'s all well an good but it goes further than just deciding which of the clones will be the next MOTHER. Once you have decided on the progenators of the next crop the conditioning needs to begin immediately. This includes placing the mother to be in it\'s own specially marked container. It's kindna like your pet having its own food dish. The MOTHERS soon adopt a regal & royal attitude which alies their station and strive to produce as many clippings as possible. If you have read this far, you probably sensed something is not quite right with this discourse and have come to the conclusion that I am a complete mad man. You would be correct, if I meant what I said. But I don't. If the truth be known; I'm simply jazzed by the performance of this strain and marking the pots reminds me of who is doing what in the garden. the letters and numbers mean something to me. Here is the explination of the sequence. The G = Robert Bergman's GOLD LEAF

I neglected to mention the Quality Asurance test equipment on the small white plate to the right. Yes, I frequently test the quality of the product during various stages of development. The testing equipment, a part of which is shown in the photo, is always within handy reach in the garden just in case I feel testing is necessary. ;) The resulting Quality Assurance tests revealed no discrepancies noted and was passed 100%. No corrective action is required. The AQL, (Acceptable Quality Level), is .001.

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Cannabis Plants
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Toxic Fluid
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