GROWant G5-HiPAR Series 400Watt Aluminum LED Grow Light OSRAM Horticulture

  • Media owner GROWant
  • Date added
lt;ul class=quot;a-unordered-list a-vertical a-spacing-nonequot;
lt;li style=quot;text-align: left;quot;lt;span class=quot;a-list-itemquot;GROWant G5-HiPAR Series G400 LED Grow Light integrates with World Top OSRAM LEDs and optimizes highest efficiency enhanced full spectrum, provides hydro and soil-based indoor plants everything needed for photosynthesis process, like they do in natural sunlight, for all grow stages, includes vegetation, flowering, clone and;/spanlt;/li
lt;li style=quot;text-align: left;quot;lt;span class=quot;a-list-itemquot;Gets MOST HIGHEST PAR/PPFD PER WATT output among existing grow lamps in the market, Covers 3\'x3amp;rsquo; (maximum 4\'x4\' ) core grow area at 24amp;rdquo; height, consumes 140 Watts only to replace 400W HPS/HID/MH grow fixtures or other brand 600W led grow lamps, 2/3 electricity bill;/spanlt;/li
lt;li style=quot;text-align: left;quot;lt;span class=quot;a-list-itemquot;Aluminum housing design, transfers heat faster and never rusts, light decays much less and lifespan much longer VS other iron housing fixtures, at meanwhile it is the lightest and the thinnest lamp among such powerful grow;/spanlt;/li
lt;li style=quot;text-align: left;quot;lt;span class=quot;a-list-itemquot;External aluminum housed LED power supply is placed outside of the grow tent. Heat generates from power supply disperses to air out of grow tent directly. Intelligent heat protection function, power shuts off to protect LEDs from heat damage in case of fanamp;rsquo;s fault or poor ventilation inside of grow;/spanlt;/li
lt;li style=quot;text-align: left;quot;lt;span class=quot;a-list-itemquot;4 years US warranty plus 30 days return guarantee, growers worry free from;/spanlt;/li
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