
grow box build so far

  • Media owner shugs420
  • Date added
This is my 36W x 24D x 48H grow box, it has 3 sections one for germenating and clones, another for mother and veg, and the large flower chamber, theres a hydro farm flourecent seedling light at 6500k, underneath there is 4; 23W 6200k CFL , and the flower has a 300W mars hydro LED and 2; 23W 2500k CFL. For air flow i have 2 dual 4 in hobby fans with speed controller, there is a make shit carbon filter at the top, and a light reducing vent on the lower all hand made. If you guys have any other questions or suggestions feel free to post, my current challenge is sealing the light in, was using a 5 mill poly but it wouldnt go on clean enough to seal all the light.amp;nbsp;
thanks guys!
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