Gelato auto 1 top
Carmen Ray

Gelato auto 1 top

Topped above the sixth node.
Are those white things eating the leaf?
I topped an auto once and it hermied. I've been scared to do it since! I need to get over to your grow as well when I catch up Carmen, would love to be a part of it and watch it progress. I'll get to you, I promise!
Thank you Krissi, I'd be honoured! Boo tops her autos when they show first pistils and you've seen her beauties right.
Thank you Krissi, I'd be honoured! Boo tops her autos when they show first pistils and you've seen her beauties right.
I have, gorgeous and healthy, and I read that she does that somewhere else, maybe it was you on another journal commenting on it. Either way, I'm still a nervous Nancy! Boo has more grit than I, I reckon!
I have, gorgeous and healthy, and I read that she does that somewhere else, maybe it was you on another journal commenting on it. Either way, I'm still a nervous Nancy! Boo has more grit than I, I reckon!
I dunno... you drought your plants... that takes grit. I potentially want to try that towards the end of my grow. At least on one of the Gelatos. Maybe you can talk me through it when it happens :)
I dunno... you drought your plants... that takes grit. I potentially want to try that towards the end of my grow. At least on one of the Gelatos. Maybe you can talk me through it when it happens :)
I forget how scared most are to attempt droughting....thank you for reminding me :)

I would love nothing more, I'd be more than happy to help you through it Carmen :high-five:

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