First grow - BC SEED KING Purple Kush

  • Media owner kevbooz
  • Date added
Week 10 of flower - (Right before chop)lt;br /lt;br /32g harvestlt;br /lt;br /Nutrients: Advanced Nutrientslt;br /lt;br /Flowering pH: 6.3
Lighting: Hydrogrow LED 84x PRO
Flavor: Unbeleivably vibrant lemon/citrus, with a subtle lingering lavender-esque musk on the back of the tongue (Not much like a true pk, but some of the more flavourful product I have encountered.) 9.5/10
Jar/bag smell: Almost unexplainable, similarity to the taste, but almost not. Along with having no strong citrus notes once dried amp;amp; cured. Very hard to put into words. 7/10
Smell in growth: Little to no smell, very stealth.
Medical effects: Very relaxing, and focus oriented during the daytime with little burn out. Too much during the day can cause slight lathargic like symptoms which require a moderate amount of will power to peel you off of the couch. For evening use the relaxation is amplified which allows for the user to transition into slumber shortly after laying down for bed. Again, the more ingested, the quicker you will find your eye lids glued together. 8/10
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