Toxic Fluid


Lets see if I picked the right catagory to upload my picture this time. I picked Cannibis Plants.amp;nbsp; Lets see where they put me. :)
Having survived the first 7 days since being placed into the nursery, (cracked seed in rockwool), several roots have pierced the outer perifery of the rockwool cube. A couple roots were laying along the bottom of the cube, about a inch.amp;nbsp; SO, I moved her, ( I willamp;nbsp; name her: MARY ) to her first pot.amp;nbsp; The first pot being 4 inches and made of pete.amp;nbsp; For this stage I use Miracle Grow starter soil.amp;nbsp; WHAT!amp;nbsp; You\'re kidding right? You use that *** stuff, (explicitive deleted).amp;nbsp; Yup.amp;nbsp; I do and with 100 % success, so far.
Now Mary is happily ensconced in her \'training\' pot.amp;nbsp; I make light of it here but it really is a critical time for her.amp;nbsp; Sometimes the transition to soil is tramatic if not performed delicately and with precision.amp;nbsp; If the plant survives this stage then the rest is easy, comparatively.amp;nbsp; IE: Give her what she needs and keep the bugs off.
The prevaling theory is:amp;nbsp; Seeds pretty much have All the nutrients needed for a quick start, everything needed being contained within the seed itself.amp;nbsp; When the roots form and are very young, they are not going to absorbe nutrients at the same rate.amp;nbsp; The nutrients have to be like pablum is to an infant.amp;nbsp; It can\'t be too strong, too much, too hot, too cold but just right.amp;nbsp; It turns out for this stage in the growth of soil grown pot, the standard starting soil which contains diluted nutrients as well as moisture gell blobs and soil porosity enhansers is exactly what the very young plants need.amp;nbsp; Miracle Grow young plant starter, which is available at any garden store is easy to obtain.amp;nbsp; The quot;garden\' stores that cater to folks like us who grow pot for fun or profit wouldn\'t be caught dead selling that stuff.amp;nbsp; They want you to buy the expensive soil, quot;not that cheap Miracle Grow junk.quot;amp;nbsp; Next week she goes into the next pot which will contain the final growing soil.amp;nbsp; I use pete soil with Vermiculite at that point using the prescribed nutrient regimen for the different stages of life.amp;nbsp; I have a 1 gallon pot that will work for about 8 days then it is into the 4 gallon pot where she will grow until I can take clones.amp;nbsp; YAY!
PS:amp;nbsp; Aside from being a miracle I can grow anything at all without subjecting it to a long and painful death like my front yard for instance,amp;nbsp; the use of miracle grow potting soil somehow seems appropriate.
Of course your results may differ.amp;nbsp; The reason for that being the laws of physics are a little different in my back yard. :)
I forgot, does this have a spell checker?amp;nbsp; If not, It might severely restrict me in the future to statements containing words of 5 letters or less.
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Cannabis Plants
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Toxic Fluid
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