
Double berry plant week 4ish

  • Media owner Mortwaa
  • Date added
Double berry about week 4 has a strong aroma coming from her if you rub the leafs they have a slight fruity smell. It\'s doing great but I did make a big mistake as you can see on some leafs it looks like it\'s showing signs of nutrient burn or some sort of disease but we had a realy hot weekend and I decided to place her in the garden to save me some money on my electric. I had a couple of bugs and I sprayed with water and dish soap I\'m certain that is what has left these marks on my leafs as they were not there before and was noticeable next day. The new set of leafs coming through show signs of warping or something but as I say I\'m certain it was from spraying the plant when it\'s been hot hot hot all day. After a few days seems to be fine again and no bugs any comment tips etc would be great thanks
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