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  • Media owner JRILEY100
  • Date added
Thank you in advance for any and all help. I\'m in the germination process using the paper towel method for lowrider dwarf autoflowering seeds and from the YouTube video I watched it said not to use rock wool or clay pebbles, only plant directly into soil? Correct me if I\'m wrong but doesn\'t a Hydro setup produce faster and much higher yields? I plan on modding a wicker storage unit with 3 levels of shelves and the following products. Deep culture hydro bubble system (rock wool and clay pebbles provided), 1000w full spectrum light with 2 fans and hanging hooks, 100w cfl bulbs as side lights, plenty of mylar, FloraGro, FloraMicro, and FloraBloom nutrients, digital thermostat (temp, humidity, alarm, day, week, month,ext), 2 timers, 2 small fans, 2 lamps for cfl bulbs, and other misc products such as thin rope to construct 6 boxes (1) for each plant, sitcoms to trim, duck tape ect. Any and all advice is very much appreciated as I\'m trying to avoid making mistakes. Thanks again.JR.
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