Scott Rose - Rikets

Scott Rose - Rikets

  • 420
Band -- RIKETS
Person answering questions -- Scott Rose
website --

Why do you smoke Marijuana? -- Well Im naturally i high strung character,going 90 miles a hour smoking weed keeps me calm,I dont like being "high strung" its too much for me,so smoking keeps me level haeded and easy to deal with.
Who else in the band smokes? -- Everyone,there are the "smokers" and there are the "part time smoker's",Me Brad Chan,Josh,and Matt are the "heavy smokers".
Why do you think Marijuana should be legal? -- For alot reason's for the one reason it would always be readily available to smokers and would keep innocent people out of jail.The only reason they wont make it legal is because its such a overgrown plant,it grows in every climate ,the system would have no way to control cultivation or sales,hence no way to tax the "product".A set of laws put in place allowing residential "farmers" to grow a certain ammount would be a good start.Crime would def decrease at least "controlled substance" charges.
How often do you smoke? -- Every day,All day long,except on tour,on tour i cut back quit a bit,sticking to the rules of smoking only after the show,I have so much shit to do on tour on a daily basis so i gotta cut back a lil..dont hold it against...I feel so bad sometimes cause people know im huge smoker and when they come up to me before the show and are like "wanna smoke?" I have to say no..but come find me after the show and ill smoke the shit out of your and my weed.
What do you like to do when you get high? -- Make music,thats my passion,nothing like writing your fucking stoned as hell,I write for smokers...Also I ride dirt bikes...especially stoned,ive had pro racers tell me no way will they get high and then get on a bike,and im glad they are being safe,but to me im always high so not being stoned and riding would make me eat it hard...ive tried it.
When did you first get high and what was it like? -- When i was fourteen,and i didnt really get stoned ,but the next week I smoked and got wasted,I swear i saw Elvis dancing in a tree stump siging "blue suede shoes".
Then I thought to myself "goddamnit finally a release".
Where is the craziest place you ever got high? -- In photography class when i was in school,right in front of the teacher out of a "felix the cat" metal and clay bowl.
Do you smoke Marijuana for any medicinal purpose? -- Just stress.
Do you own anything made from Hemp? -- Shoes,a couple shirts thats about it..but if you send it to me ill fuckin use it!
What's your favorite munchie when you're high? -- Breaded mushrooms, a good friend took me to eat some recently and i lost it,try it..its so good.
What's the best bud you've ever had? -- B real from cypress hill smokes the best weed known to man,shit get high with that dude,see if you can walk straight let alone talk..Brad and I have gotten high with him a bunch of times and every time it's so surreal.
What city has the best weed? -- Humboldt county California,those dudes up there really know what's goin' on.
What is your favorite method of smoking? -- Bong hits man,that is the way to go,get a 2 footer,fill it with some aquafina and icecubes and just get dont get me wrong any way to get high is the right way but when i have a choice thats it.
What is your favorite 420 related movie? -- Cheech and Chong "Up in Smoke"
Other than this, have you done anything else for the cause? -- Other than being a strong advocate in my own ways via music,word of mouth,traveling,this is my first weed related conversation on the record.
What other bands have you blazed with? -- Cypress Hill,Fear Factory,KottonMouthkings,CorporateAvenger
Insolence,Phil Anselmo,StuckMojo,Chimaira,Ill-nino,
Dope,Kid Rock,the list goes on and on...I have alot of stoner friend's..
If you could state our case to the president, what would you say? -- What president? last time I looked George Bush wasent much of a president.
Have you ever created awareness to your fans about Hemp and Marijuana during Interviews with the media? -- You are my first my friend.
What was the funniest thing that happened to you while you were high? -- O man my life is a constant "stoned comedy show"..I cant just pick out a scenario it's all funny,We try to keep it real and laidback and hilarious in our camp,come hang out with us for even one day and your sides will hurting so bad from laughing...especially when the funk comes out!
Is there anything you would like to say to our viewers? -- Come see us on tour and get high with us!!

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