

Oh, those beautiful green leaves, hope you really needed to remove them already :)
Not really but they don't get alot of sunlight and I'd rather the energy go to the buds anyways. All those leafs were on the inside canopy where light doesn't reach often.
Please hear me out on this one, pretty please. I have a do no harm policy for my recommendations so I’d never commit to any advise that would hurt your grow. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about defoliating and why it should be done. Yes, it’s necessary for space, light penetration, and airflow concerns. But if you’re outdoors you have to worry much less about those things. Let them at least turn mostly yellow or falling off on their own as much as possible. Take clones as much as you want up until two weeks before flower will help bush things out a lot. Buds don’t photosynthesize themselves, they need the food generated by the fan leaves to grow to their fullest potential. Yes, all parts matter especially roots and fan leaves. I’ve lost most of my hair watching people promote defoliation for the wrong reasons. If you’re like me and need to see it for yourself pick one plant to let it be with the fan leaves to do so, you have plenty to give a try. Then please report the results, this is a misconception worth fixing for as many as possible, especially new folks!
Please hear me out on this one, pretty please. I have a do no harm policy for my recommendations so I’d never commit to any advise that would hurt your grow. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about defoliating and why it should be done. Yes, it’s necessary for space, light penetration, and airflow concerns. But if you’re outdoors you have to worry much less about those things. Let them at least turn mostly yellow or falling off on their own as much as possible. Take clones as much as you want up until two weeks before flower will help bush things out a lot. Buds don’t photosynthesize themselves, they need the food generated by the fan leaves to grow to their fullest potential. Yes, all parts matter especially roots and fan leaves. I’ve lost most of my hair watching people promote defoliation for the wrong reasons. If you’re like me and need to see it for yourself pick one plant to let it be with the fan leaves to do so, you have plenty to give a try. Then please report the results, this is a misconception worth fixing for as many as possible, especially new folks!
I'll give it a try I won't defoliate anymore unless the leaves die. Thank you for the advice I wasn't sure and wanted the plants to be happy I saw alot of people use defoliating as a training method but I'm happy with the results I got so far. Next year I won't defoliate and see how it compares. Thanks again.
Please hear me out on this one, pretty please. I have a do no harm policy for my recommendations so I’d never commit to any advise that would hurt your grow. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about defoliating and why it should be done. Yes, it’s necessary for space, light penetration, and airflow concerns. But if you’re outdoors you have to worry much less about those things. Let them at least turn mostly yellow or falling off on their own as much as possible. Take clones as much as you want up until two weeks before flower will help bush things out a lot. Buds don’t photosynthesize themselves, they need the food generated by the fan leaves to grow to their fullest potential. Yes, all parts matter especially roots and fan leaves. I’ve lost most of my hair watching people promote defoliation for the wrong reasons. If you’re like me and need to see it for yourself pick one plant to let it be with the fan leaves to do so, you have plenty to give a try. Then please report the results, this is a misconception worth fixing for as many as possible, especially new folks!
I only defoliated on the bottom third of my babushkas thankfully she is like 14ft and I can't reach that high haha. I will definitely measure when harvest is over and take pictures with a tape measure for proof but getting up on a ladder is risky to measure 😅 I'm on a hill so ladders don't like to cooperate. I'm just eyeing it when I say 14 feet but my deck is 12 feet from the ground and my plants reach up at least 2 feet higher then the base of my deck.
Doing great, nothing bad at all, just want to see you get the most you can is all

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