

  • Media owner BakedARea
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Reactions: Cola Monster
Nice bonsai work Baked! :welldone:
Nice bonsai work Baked! :welldone:
Duuuude! Thanks so much. That means a lot to me. I have been trying to manage canopies with wire and I'm really liking the process. And for the most part, it is working. I still have much to learn though. Thanks again Cola!
I was watching my favorite home renovation show (T.O.H.) last week where they did a segment on bonsai trees and how to create...take care...and maintain them which was really cool to see.
I'm thinking about trying the same thing with a cannabis plant to see if it's even possible without it growing out of control. The trick is in the fine pruning and training they say and I'm looking forward to trying as an avid gardener.

Hope you and yours and doing well!:Namaste:
I was watching my favorite home renovation show (T.O.H.) last week where they did a segment on bonsai trees and how to create...take care...and maintain them which was really cool to see.
I'm thinking about trying the same thing with a cannabis plant to see if it's even possible without it growing out of control. The trick is in the fine pruning and training they say and I'm looking forward to trying as an avid gardener.

Hope you and yours and doing well!:Namaste:
I love doing bonsai! I have a few non-cannabis trees I'm working on. My first bonsai styling, I did a couple years ago. I also have a small northern lights auto bonsai. It started in a 3" pot and is still currently in it. Will be finishing in the next couple weeks. She has stayed small and mostly healthy. I almost killed her, twice, when she was a baby.

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