

Kit and kaboodle
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Reactions: Amy Gardner
Nice fan :ganjamon: Is that an air-purifying one? Or a heating/cooling one? Or maybe both, or neither? I have a tall version for flower space and love it . I’ve been thinking about a smaller one for a new veg space and I like how that looks :popcorn: And those plants look super happy, too - nice kit, excellent kaboodle.
Nice fan :ganjamon: Is that an air-purifying one? Or a heating/cooling one? Or maybe both, or neither? I have a tall version for flower space and love it . I’ve been thinking about a smaller one for a new veg space and I like how that looks :popcorn: And those plants look super happy, too - nice kit, excellent kaboodle.
I've been jealous of yours for years. It's so perfect for a tent! It's a humidifier/fan so dual purpose in that way.
I've been reading on the hepa purifying ones and I wonder if they would fill up too fast. They won't run without the filter from what I gather.:48:Black Poison Skunk today. So stinky to grow, so pleasant to vape/smoke. YuM!
Thanks! Yes - they are not cheap kit, I saved up for mine! worth every cent for the quiet and the space-saving. I have a seperate humidifier so might just get a simple fan version... cheers otter :love:

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