Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies

Hey Professor, are you growing in coco? Can you please tell me what your thoughts are on the causes of the interveinal Bleaching/necrosis. I sometimes get it and can't put it down to either lockout, ph swing or shock... love you work by the way
Thanks Curiousnoob. I am indeed growing in coco currently.
It's funny you should mention the interveinal bleaching as it is something I never used to get and was trying to find out why it keeps happening to me recently. When I grow in soil it's usually fine and we get none of that but when the coco comes out there's a good chance it will happen to me. I've put it down to magnesium issues due a combo of environmental factors. Coco, MegaCrop and led lighting seems to cause the plants to need more MC or at least that's what appears to be happening. In the comparative GSC grow I'm using GeoFlora but I've only just swapped to that from MegaCrop. I like growing in coco but it can be stressful sometimes lol
Yes it certainly can. It is the same with me as I grow in coco. Usually at least once during a grow. Everybody I have asked finds it hard to give me straight answer, but I believe you hit the nail on the head with the magnesium.

Even now, my last feed was a roots booster which Is to be mixed with just plain water. Now thinking it is possibly after these feeds as there is no added c/m? Maybe I don't know guess I will have to continue down the process of elimination.
Maybe the root booster with plain watered messed with the pH?
Elimination is very wise. If I get a problem I often just wait until the plants need watering and then give them a good flush and reintroduce the nutrients. Doesn't always work but it can fix a surprising amount of problems.

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