Sweet Tooth #2

Sweet Tooth #2

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Reactions: Jack420
Looking good fam

Ehh she actually has some issues going on. Ive been under feeding her abit to much i think. Ive been trying to dial in exactly how much i really need of the mega crop and sweet candy n CalMag. I at first thought it was cause i dropped the cal-mag but after talkn with farside we figured it was cause the MC needed to be upped abit. An that shud help her out more then upping the cal-mag. So with the next feeding ill do what he suggested and see if things dnt improve some. After i use up the sweet candy I also plan to try his DIY an make my own silica. Then i jus plan 2use the MC an the homemade silica w/CalMag. And then ill see the difference in using the sweet candy versus not an adding homemade silica instead.
Bro I kno u will turn her around some straines are just harder then others

Yea its weird it must be this pheno. Cause i got my other sweet tooth the smaller pheno she is lookn great. Im starting to think the big one is a bit of a CalMag hog lol. The shorter pheno doesnt require as much CalMag im noticing. I dropped the cal mag alil bit and the big pheno started showing a deficiency. Well tht an the fact i need to bump up the nutes abit as well. But no worries ill be makn sure she is in top condition b4 i make the flip. Im thinking about running a bunch of clones from her an do a whole Sweet Tooth run.

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