Carnival cobs, week two

Carnival cobs, week two

  • Media owner SweetSue
  • Date added
Cob goodness by tommyboi
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Reactions: BobbyZ
What is that?

Nice to meet you. :5:

That, my dear is Cobs. Follow the link to the dedicated thread. Cobbling is a method we’ve been experimenting with, updating the ancient art first noted in Malawi. We were honored to find a gent on another site that freely shared the information. Tangwena followed us back and now joins in the excitement of fermenting cannabis with new techniques.

It’s a fermenting process that increases the potency of cannabis in surprising ways. It’s a totally different euphoric experience, like the universe smiles with you. Lol! I chew 0.2 grams most mornings, and that carries me for hours and hours of extreme wellbeing.

Worth looking into, IMO. The thread grew in popularity way beyond anyone’s expectations, and we don’t mind at all if you jump to current without reading more than the first couple posts. Lots of excitement in those pages though. :4:
Hey Sexy Sue!

Thank you so much for your response. So you don’t smoke it? You eat it ingested? I will look to the links and find out how I want to try this. We were also watching a show on strain hunters and they were doing it they’re being taught by the local people where they were travelling it was so great to see I feel like this is the same as what they were doing.

Thanks for responding and your help have a great Saturday

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