

  • Media owner Graytail
  • Date added
decarb? oil? any tips?
see you've been on 420, for some time.
what's been your favorite strain to grow, so far?
anyway, nice to "meet you". beautiful pics!

I have quite a bit from past grows, so I've been thinking about doing a dry sift on some of it ...

My personal favorite is Carnival by Ministry of Cannabis.

any chance u use it for pain? in oil? high thc... b great, if it works for me- in oil, far as rtns.

i looked it up. looks mostly pac. n/w. I'll have to see about their shipping, but this'd be a year out, anyway. i my favs in the collection, too!

i haven't tested and won't, if the returns are on par, with the avg strain %, but so far- had great luck, with Pacific seeds, out of California, contrary, to every single review I'd read, after committing; i know... but they have/had, harder to get strains, early on. i did feel one strain was immature, but 2 of the 3, made it. the 3rd, i believe, just confirmed my suspicions. early on... i figure they may have rushed, at least the 1. they also use multiple breeders, but not so vast as seedsman. they did give me a 25% code, when I'd asked for 10, as dutchseedshop (not happy with), has a 20% code.

anyway, ty for sharin!
MOC is a Spanish breeder, and you can Carnival from most of the major seed houses.

Star Pupil doesn't impress me that much. It's purple and has a good flavor, but the high is meh - sort of muddy and bland.
i checked leafy. saw the breeder intel. ty! rates great! u goona cross em?

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