Baby Cannabis Plant w/Silhouette Effect
Cola Monster

Baby Cannabis Plant w/Silhouette Effect

Thank you SweetSue!:thanks:
Thank you Cola Monster. :5: You’re one of the great treasures we don’t hide around this little virtual world of ours.

Plus, you push me to grow better. :4:

Hey... I got an apartment. Signing the lease tomorrow MOTY. Yes, I’m excited. :laugh2: It’s a ten-minute walk to the local beach, and a nice one at that.

I fly out to San Diego after that for two weeks with DrDoob. We’re gathering some members for cookout. I keep wishing I’d end up somewhere close to you someday so I could shake those talented hands.

Who knows? Someday that dream may come true. I travel a lot. :3:

You have a good evening. I’m supposed to be smoking an indica to knock me out. I don’t know if that’s possible but I have this Candy Cane and I’m gonna try.

Yeah.... I got long-winded. :laugh2: Blame it on the excitement. Thanks for being so brilliant at this obsession of ours and sharing the joy of it so abundantly. ‘Night. :5:
Thank you Cola Monster. :5: You’re one of the great treasures we don’t hide around this little virtual world of ours.

Plus, you push me to grow better. :4:

Hey... I got an apartment. Signing the lease tomorrow MOTY. Yes, I’m excited. :laugh2: It’s a ten-minute walk to the local beach, and a nice one at that.

I fly out to San Diego after that for two weeks with DrDoob. We’re gathering some members for cookout. I keep wishing I’d end up somewhere close to you someday so I could shake those talented hands.

Who knows? Someday that dream may come true. I travel a lot. :3:

You have a good evening. I’m supposed to be smoking an indica to knock me out. I don’t know if that’s possible but I have this Candy Cane and I’m gonna try.

Yeah.... I got long-winded. :laugh2: Blame it on the excitement. Thanks for being so brilliant at this obsession of ours and sharing the joy of it so abundantly. ‘Night. :5:

I'm not sure how long I'll be residing where I'm currently located but if ever finding yourself in the S.F. Bay Area by chance feel free to let me know so we can say hello and blow some smoke.
And congrats. on the new apartment, hope it all works out for ya!:5:
I don’t know where that MOTY in the middle of all that came from. :hmmmm:

Disregard the confusion. ‘Bye :ciao:

Blame it on the indicas!:laugh:
Other people hope. We know. :3: Things have an amazing way of always working out for me Cola Monster.

I figure it works like that forneveryone. I’m just less intimidated about admitting it out loud. That pulls more serendipity my way, so I’ll keep it up.

I plan to get to San Francisco sometime in the next year or so. There are quite a few friends in N. California I’m lookin’ to visit. You’ll be among them. :5:

Now I’m taking that hit. :laugh2:

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Cola Monster
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Cannabis Plant Silhouette.JPG
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233.3 KB
1280px x 854px

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