

  • Media owner InTheShed
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New lux meter
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Got the same and around same value outdoor under bright sun. That's why indoor I allow a maximum of 1100 (x100 factor). My thinking is that if they can handle it outdoor then can handle a bit less indoor. Cause outdoor this value is mostly the same whatever you measure at top or down part of the plant. Indoor lights give lots of power at tops but lessen quickly as you go down. That's why even if many websites say the perfect amount is around 75000 lux I prefer giving more cause I know the down part never gets a lot of light indoor so overall I m pretty sure a plant grown in a hot and sunny place will always get more overall light than an indoor one. That's why my thinking is giving the maximum indoor without burning them. Staying under 1100 (value on lux meter with x100) never got me any burn (I m also using leds which makes it easier in terms of heat at top of canopy. Sorry for long sharing lol but thought it may be useful to share my point of view
Thanks! You should post that in my thread for everyone to see :).

My canopies tend to be pretty flat so light penetration isn't as much of an issue for me at the moment. We'll see how stretchy the Candidas are!
Thanks! You should post that in my thread for everyone to see :).

My canopies tend to be pretty flat so light penetration isn't as much of an issue for me at the moment. We'll see how stretchy the Candidas are!

I ve repeated that many time during my last grow and don't remember anyone answering something positive like you did haha. Your picture also reminded me one of mine :)
Note that at that time battery was low so value wasn't accurate. With fresh battery I get the same as yours
I figure a flat canopy is the best way to make sure every bud gets the same light, but of course I haven't had any really stretchy sativas to deal with! We'll see how I do with the Candidas :).
I figure a flat canopy is the best way to make sure every bud gets the same light, but of course I haven't had any really stretchy sativas to deal with! We'll see how I do with the Candidas :).

Yeah that's the trouble. We need to find the sweat spot depending of our setup to ensure light penetration is good and also not have only tiny and short branches

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