

Baby clones
@Emilya, hey these are clones from the mom with potassium deficiency if you remember from my last post...? I’ve topped her and feeding all with some organic tomato npk solution, watered down obviously. Will they be ok when they grow or will I always have to add some extra npk in to sort out moms potass issues?
@Emilya, hey these are clones from the mom with potassium deficiency if you remember from my last post...? I’ve topped her and feeding all with some organic tomato npk solution, watered down obviously. Will they be ok when they grow or will I always have to add some extra npk in to sort out moms potass issues?
I think she has shown you her needs and that they are not going to go away. You will need to feed her from now on
Yes I kinda figured that may be the case and have decided I won’t be taking too much from her. Just steady away. When feeding, would you recommend any particular way of giving the usual nutes plus the npk solution? Ie. Normal, let take up happen then as showing ready for more, then give the npk or would you combine both into the same feed period?

As always, thank you soo much for all the wisdom and time offered

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