hi guys, i started growing this really healthy lookin bag see from one of the nicest buds ive ever smoked and she's doing great at 3 weeks from seed in this pic, also a week later i started 3 dutch passion the ultimate's, now i need to find out what strain the big plant is as ive no clue, all i know is its an indica and its VERY strong, its been smellin like a mutha fucker since about a week ago, and is only 1 week older than the others which seem to be extremely slow growing,
anyway i have them all under a 125w cfl purple spec lamp and 2 28w warm white cfls
the light cycle is 20/4 and am changing to 12/12 in the next week or so regardless of the size of the ultimates as the bag seed is getting pretty big, and i think the bag seed one is far stronger than them ultimates, anyway ill let you guys pick at it and any critisism or advice is welcome