

  • Media owner Stunger
  • Date added
Hey Bounce, yeah that's being discussed a bit on my thread at the moment. It happened right after an extra watering, one recovered and one did not.
I feel that some strong LST training may have contributed too, because I found one branch had snapped at the base, maybe it let some infection in. Thankfully I have 2 remaining!
Ya the reason I asked was that I was battling something weirdly similar, without any branch breaks. I think ive narrowed it down to a bacterial infection of the soil, fusarium wilt.
In my thread, issues with mothers, it started happening to one mother plant of a year old, which eventually didn't make it, and now I'm seeing signs on the other mother too.
Which thread of yours, I'd love to follow.
Ya the reason I asked was that I was battling something weirdly similar, without any branch breaks. I think ive narrowed it down to a bacterial infection of the soil, fusarium wilt.
In my thread, issues with mothers, it started happening to one mother plant of a year old, which eventually didn't make it, and now I'm seeing signs on the other mother too.
Which thread of yours, I'd love to follow.
Yeah I saw you had an issue like that. My current grow journal is here.

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