OCD is a panic recognized by wide spread thoughts that produce discomfort and fear or worry, by continuing habits targeted at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a variety of such obsessions and compulsions. Continual hand washing is a typical OCD symptom. The kids whom are all affected by OCD will wash their hands continuously due to the fear of germs. By feeding medical cannabis along with food, OCD can be cured. ADHD is a developmental problem. It is recognized mainly by the co-existence of attention issues with each action happening rarely alone. Kids with ADHD find it more challenging to concentrate and to finish their schoolwork. Problems in doing silent works or activities, being regularly in motion, problems sitting still while eating and school time, talking continuously without break. These are all some of the symptoms of ADHD in children. These problems can be cleared by giving medical marijuana to kids with their foods, snacks and drinks. These are only 2 of the problems kids have that can be helped by medical marijuana.