Public opinion on marijuana, and much scientific research, could not be further from the federal governmentamp;rsquo;s opinion on the plant. Official federal policy still considers cannabis to be among amp;ldquo;the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological and physical dependence,amp;rdquo; alongside substances like heroin and LSD. amp;ldquo;At this point, itamp;rsquo;s astonishing that anyone still thinks marijuana is more harmful than alcohol,amp;rdquo; Mason Tvert, communications director for marijuana policy reform group the Marijuana Policy Project, told The Huffington Post. amp;ldquo;Only on a flat earth experiencing no climate change is alcohol the safer substance. The folks working to maintain marijuana prohibition need to take a good, hard look at the evidence surrounding these two products and ask themselves why they prefer adults use the one that causes far more damage to the consumer and society.amp;rdquo; - Hemp Beach TV