420 Girl Mykayla Comstock

Mykayla was officially diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on July 14, 2012, at only seven years old. T-cell ALL is a rare form of leukemia. It is an aggressive and fast acting form of the childhood cancer. It is a cancer that is caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of Lymphoblasts into the body from the bone marrow. Lymphoblasts are immature cells which typically differentiate to form lymphocytes. Normally, lymphoblasts are found in the bone marrow only. These cells do not have the capability to die. Instead of going through a normal cellular life cycle, they remain, never succumbing to the natural programmed cell death. Instead, they are left to group together, forming a giant, liquid mucinous tumor that puts immense pressure on internal organs and wreaks havoc on a childamp;rsquo;s immune system. Mykaylaamp;rsquo;s official Medical Prognosis is a 76.9% 5 year survival rate, with modern treatment protocols. At the time of her diagnosis, many of the classification markers were to her benefit, though she was ultimately deemed intermediate risk due to central nervous system (CNS) involvement. Currently, Mykaylaamp;rsquo;s cancer is in complete remission. However, she is still required to undergo standard chemotherapy regimens for two more years. Her diagnosis requires a three year chemotherapy and radiation protocol in total.
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