Jenifer Valley and Mike Mullins, owners of approximately 24 plants rotated for continuous harvest, have won first place awards at the Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards, Higher Educational outreach through the Stoney Girl Gardens Foundation and were on the cover of the amp;ldquo;Big Book of Buds.amp;rdquo; Portlandsterdam University, actually in Clackamas, gives the couple even more pride than the national recognition theyamp;rsquo;ve received for their legal pot. Classes are scheduled every other weekend at the Monarch Hotel and teach about everything cannabis related, from how to distill oils to awareness of medical marijuana laws. Their studies have developed a periodic table of intended effects and a 1 to 9 scale indicating active to sedative qualities. amp;ldquo;Weamp;rsquo;re the No. 1 breeder in the world,amp;rdquo; Valley said. amp;ldquo;Itamp;rsquo;s creating a lot of medical tourism actually, because lots of people come from all over the world to get our genetic material. They get a state Medical Marijuana card with a $200 registration fee that gives the money to fund Oregonamp;rsquo;s emergency services.amp;rdquo; - Clackamas Review