

  • Media owner BeezLuiz
  • Date added
Pandemic joint holders made from cannabis stems.
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Reactions: 420giirl
Oh yeah those are badass!!!!! Absolutely beautiful !!!! Where can I purchase?

Ps. Please excuse my french, I just couldn’t contain myself.
Even though friends have suggested I sell these, so far I just make them for fun. :cool:
You should definitely consider, even if it’s just a pop up. Especially now for Xmas. oh I just noticed your tutorial I’ll have to give it a looks see!
I guess the problematic issue is that the pipes are made from the cannabis plant which is federally illegal and I would somehow have to prove that there is no THC in the stems. Until then, I wouldn't be able to market them.
I guess the problematic issue is that the pipes are made from the cannabis plant which is federally illegal and I would somehow have to prove that there is no THC in the stems. Until then, I wouldn't be able to market them.
There are also States where selling paraphernalia is illegal, not sure how often they go after out of State folks selling on net but is possible headache unless you only sale to certain places. But then shipping Cannabis still illegal on Fed level for that matter whether it's THC content or not, unless you use Hemp. So maybe something more of a local fair kind of thing be way to go if at all ;) (personally getting to old for hassles :19: rather just :bong: ) .
Thanks Dwight. I appreciate your insights and totally agree that it's not worth the headache. Really, it's more fun to make them and give them away. :Namaste:

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