

WOW...nice. Well, I have purchased a grow tent 4'x4'x80" located in my bedroom...I have 2 Super Skunk plants that were 3 weeks old yesterday...I purchased a 1200w LED adjustable veg and bloom controls(that should be interesting....need info on that too) but, I have 2 humidifiers, oscillating fan, intake fan, exhaust with air scrubber. I'm trying my best to keep them at 55% humidity and around 77 degrees. So, I have already gotten a good start, I'm needing some help with, what happens when I transplant them from a 100 w bulb to a 1200w LED light or when do I know when to put them into flowering....does 9 week flowering mean that it BEGINS the flowering stage at 9 weeks. As you can see, I'm full of questions so I can keep my girls til harvest....I really appreciate any help you can provide! Oh, I'll send pics as soon as I can get my camera going....thanks brother.
WOW...nice. Well, I have purchased a grow tent 4'x4'x80" located in my bedroom...I have 2 Super Skunk plants that were 3 weeks old yesterday...I purchased a 1200w LED adjustable veg and bloom controls(that should be interesting....need info on that too) but, I have 2 humidifiers, oscillating fan, intake fan, exhaust with air scrubber. I'm trying my best to keep them at 55% humidity and around 77 degrees. So, I have already gotten a good start, I'm needing some help with, what happens when I transplant them from a 100 w bulb to a 1200w LED light or when do I know when to put them into flowering....does 9 week flowering mean that it BEGINS the flowering stage at 9 weeks. As you can see, I'm full of questions so I can keep my girls til harvest....I really appreciate any help you can provide! Oh, I'll send pics as soon as I can get my camera going....thanks brother.
Sounds like you've got a great start. The tent is a great size for easy lighting, AND you aren't trying to fit 47 plants each of a different strain... 2 is perfect.

With your light, you will want to keep both the veg and bloom on at all times. The veg bloom thing is just a gimmick. Your plant is gonna need all the light, and more importantly all the spectrum between 375nm to 700nm you can get. Sounds like your light is a bit of a beast. Start around 4.5 feet above your plants and slowly lower 8 or 10 inches per day or 2 till you get about 24 inches above the canopy. Watch for dry curling leaves at the top of you plant. If you see white areas on your leaves it may be bleaching... its not the end of the world, but not the best situation. If you have issues raise the light up a foot or so.

You'll probably only use the humidifiers when you have babies. 55% is a good start and you temps look great. Curious what you can expect through out the year.... may I ask where you live? I'm about 40 miles East of Los Angeles, so my humidity is usually between 20 and 50 in my room depending on if the dehumidifier is on.

Sounds like you're gonna want to transplant soon. At three weeks, your plants could be root bound a bit, but we won't worry about that now. But you REALLY want want them under your big light ASAP. Too much time under a weak light with a bad spectrum will cause a mess of issues, including a plant that isn't going to feed properly, a plant that grows "leggy" or spindly and weak. Transplant to a 5 gallon cloth pot minimum. I use a 25 gallon, but it can be difficult to get rid of all that soil when your done. My rational is I want a large root system. I use Rapidstart to help me out with this, I also use Silica to build the plant above ground. The 2 work together with the phloem/xylem super highway inside the plant. Here are some pics of what I'm talking about.

Flower... transplant first. Let them get over that, I would need pics. to help make a call on when to start flower. Have they been topped yet? You don't want to bug you plants much when they are in flower. Don't change your lights, don't let your plants environment vary if you can help it... try to keep humidity lower than 50%. Keep your plants in the light's sweetspot or "footprint" as best you can. Again, both switches on for your LED. The "9week" time period starts when you switch your lights to 12 on and 12 off. There are other photoperiod schedules (the time when the lights on and off for flower) but let's just go 12 and 12 for now.

I'm glad to see your so interested in this. Thats a great sign. I would say 70% of the folks sign up try it out for a brief period and give up. Or the plants simply die off and we never see them again. Growing pot is usually pretty easy, but when there are problems it starts to suck pretty quick... don't quit. Ask any question you want. I KNOW you are gonna have a ton of questions... let's work through them. Glad your here
Sounds like you've got a great start. The tent is a great size for easy lighting, AND you aren't trying to fit 47 plants each of a different strain... 2 is perfect.

With your light, you will want to keep both the veg and bloom on at all times. The veg bloom thing is just a gimmick. Your plant is gonna need all the light, and more importantly all the spectrum between 375nm to 700nm you can get. Sounds like your light is a bit of a beast. Start around 4.5 feet above your plants and slowly lower 8 or 10 inches per day or 2 till you get about 24 inches above the canopy. Watch for dry curling leaves at the top of you plant. If you see white areas on your leaves it may be bleaching... its not the end of the world, but not the best situation. If you have issues raise the light up a foot or so.

You'll probably only use the humidifiers when you have babies. 55% is a good start and you temps look great. Curious what you can expect through out the year.... may I ask where you live? I'm about 40 miles East of Los Angeles, so my humidity is usually between 20 and 50 in my room depending on if the dehumidifier is on.

Sounds like you're gonna want to transplant soon. At three weeks, your plants could be root bound a bit, but we won't worry about that now. But you REALLY want want them under your big light ASAP. Too much time under a weak light with a bad spectrum will cause a mess of issues, including a plant that isn't going to feed properly, a plant that grows "leggy" or spindly and weak. Transplant to a 5 gallon cloth pot minimum. I use a 25 gallon, but it can be difficult to get rid of all that soil when your done. My rational is I want a large root system. I use Rapidstart to help me out with this, I also use Silica to build the plant above ground. The 2 work together with the phloem/xylem super highway inside the plant. Here are some pics of what I'm talking about.

Flower... transplant first. Let them get over that, I would need pics. to help make a call on when to start flower. Have they been topped yet? You don't want to bug you plants much when they are in flower. Don't change your lights, don't let your plants environment vary if you can help it... try to keep humidity lower than 50%. Keep your plants in the light's sweetspot or "footprint" as best you can. Again, both switches on for your LED. The "9week" time period starts when you switch your lights to 12 on and 12 off. There are other photoperiod schedules (the time when the lights on and off for flower) but let's just go 12 and 12 for now.

I'm glad to see your so interested in this. Thats a great sign. I would say 70% of the folks sign up try it out for a brief period and give up. Or the plants simply die off and we never see them again. Growing pot is usually pretty easy, but when there are problems it starts to suck pretty quick... don't quit. Ask any question you want. I KNOW you are gonna have a ton of questions... let's work through them. Glad your here
Holy crap stltoed…now those are some roots!
Well, I live in southwest Virginia and I noticed when I first planted my girls, I was fighting the humidity and trying to get it up to 55/60%....I had 2 humidifiers going simultaneously 24/7 just to keep up with it....here in the last week or so, humidity is pretty much under control.....the girls are growing fairly nicely so far.
Question: tonight at midnight I'm gonna transplant, girls have been in the small pots long enough....now, when I transplant I was gonna start my 18/6 light schedule, and since I've had them on 24 hour CFL bulbs, I was gonna turn off the lights for 6 hours and begin my cycle in the am...or how should I do it?? Do I water the entire 3 gal fabric pots or do I only water them good around the roots....and when should I begin full watering? I guess I'm just a bit fuzzy on the watering aspect of it for tonight when I transplant....after that, I think I can handle it from there(hopefully, lol). Oh, and I will not quit until I have smoke in my baggies! Thanks brother!
Holy crap stltoed…now those are some roots!
Well, I live in southwest Virginia and I noticed when I first planted my girls, I was fighting the humidity and trying to get it up to 55/60%....I had 2 humidifiers going simultaneously 24/7 just to keep up with it....here in the last week or so, humidity is pretty much under control.....the girls are growing fairly nicely so far.
Question: tonight at midnight I'm gonna transplant, girls have been in the small pots long enough....now, when I transplant I was gonna start my 18/6 light schedule, and since I've had them on 24 hour CFL bulbs, I was gonna turn off the lights for 6 hours and begin my cycle in the am...or how should I do it?? Do I water the entire 3 gal fabric pots or do I only water them good around the roots....and when should I begin full watering? I guess I'm just a bit fuzzy on the watering aspect of it for tonight when I transplant....after that, I think I can handle it from there(hopefully, lol). Oh, and I will not quit until I have smoke in my baggies! Thanks brother!
Your humidity will raise as you plants mature, which is cool, but it may be a problem later.

Transplanting should go fairly easy. If they are root bound your plants may take a week or so to acclimatize. Your in 1 gallon pots? I forgot. If thats the case fill the new pot you plan on using for their next home. Water to get the soil wet. Dig a hole that will easily fit the plant. Squeeze the pot a little to loosen the plant. Put your hand across the top of the soil and turn it upside down, the plant should slide out. Gently squeeze the root ball to loosen up the roots and place the plant in the hole. Cover with soil and water. You want every part of the roots to be wet. Dry areas will not help your roots. Always thoroughly water. Once your plants are growing in the soil water the shit out of them. I might water a 3 gallon pot a full gallon of water. This will ensure your roots will use the entire root media. I fill a 5 gallon motorcycle gas can with water to water a 25 gallon cloth pot. Salts that would build up from underwatering arent an issue, so your media will stay healthy in regards to Ph and PPM.

1 thing I recommend is the next pot should be the last one. It gets to be a pain in the ass to transplant plants in bags without cutting the bag. Plus the shock of transplanting multiple times can really add to your grow time. Seedlings can be a pain in large pots, you REALLY have pay attention to the seedling, making sure it doesn't dislodge. But! That's what I do. I start seeds in Rapid Rooters then put them in a 25 gallon pot. With no more shock from transplanting. In a week the roots should be strong enough to keep the plant in place during water. Be sure you have a tray to catch any drained water. DO NOT allow the plant to sit in waste water. There are spacers you can buy the helps this.

Start any new lighting 30 inches or so above the seedling. Give it a week and start lowering it watching the plant closely for issues. Don't go below 18 inches or so... for now. If you see curling, discolored leaves raise the light immediately.

Thats the way to do it... Just do it. If it goes tits up take another whack at it. I'm here if you have more questions

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