

  • Media owner dr.h00k
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Reactions: John Wick
What happened, where did these mutha-faughker's come from?
How can I avoid this happening to me?
My skin is crawling since I saw this. EWwwwww, I hope you "kill them all" -Wyatt Earp.
Good question?...I normally recycle my soil to the garden, but I kept a big bin of it inside the house this past winter and reammended it after my return from Mexico...happy to say between the attack mites and stickies, I am confident I have won the battle...(touch wood...:nervous-guy:)...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:
Good question?...I normally recycle my soil to the garden, but I kept a big bin of it inside the house this past winter and reammended it after my return from Mexico...happy to say between the attack mites and stickies, I am confident I have won the battle...(touch wood...:nervous-guy:)...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:
Thanks, in that case I'm not going to recycle the very same thing for that reason. I'll use it with my tomatoes when they go outside.
Shit, I'm sure glad you posted this because I was going to use last year's soil inside the tent, close one. Thanks again.

Wick. :meatballs:
...it really shouldn't happen...They must have come via some of my amendments(1/2 bag of EWC or the 1/2 bag of compost) ...I dunno!...:hmmmm:...I'm running 4 girlz in Doc's "kit" this year, and it can go 3 or 4 cycles, which I expect to do as well...they are annoying AF, but didn't seem to do much damage, although I did lose some tomato and squash seedlings...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
...it really shouldn't happen...They must have come via some of my amendments(1/2 bag of EWC or the 1/2 bag of compost) ...I dunno!...:hmmmm:...I'm running 4 girlz in Doc's "kit" this year, and it can go 3 or 4 cycles, which I expect to do as well...they are annoying AF, but didn't seem to do much damage, although I did lose some tomato and squash seedlings...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Okay, I don't know what kind of soil configuration you're using and I hope the best turnout.
I have tomato seedling's too so I'm going to be cautious and spread it out in the compost pile.
Anyway thanks for the hot tip, very much appreciated.

Cheers! :headbanger:

Wick :meatballs:

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