
2 blueberry fem

lt;emlt;strongOk friends, I am a newbie. amp;nbsp;I am having an issue with PH. amp;nbsp;It is holding at a 5.0. amp;nbsp;And my plants are suffering!amp;nbsp;lt;/stronglt;/em
lt;emlt;strongI tried flushing with the correct PH, that did nothing, then I added 3 teasopoons of lime ( the finest one starts with the letter C) . I scrached the surface added, then added water. amp;nbsp;Now 2 waters and still holding at 5.0. amp;nbsp;So I watched a video and PH\'D the water a little higher to help bring it back. And my runoff is still a 5.0. amp;nbsp;Now I am getting worried, really worried. amp;nbsp;I have always used RO water, and I never PH it up as I was told it was perfect unless adding nutes. lt;/stronglt;/em
lt;emlt;strongAre my girls runied? Please help... Please... amp;nbsp;lt;/stronglt;/em
lt;emlt;strongNow the pics I uploaded both were planted at the same time. amp;nbsp;The smaller of the two \'Bluebell\' took a few hours longer to pop and has always been the smaller of the two. Both are the same however the other one \'Bloosom\' has always been ahead?amp;nbsp;lt;/stronglt;/em
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