Sativa Auto Blue Dream

Sativa Auto Blue Dream

  • Media owner fvitterbi
  • Date added
the healthiest plant is shown here.. it grew to about a foot, it lost some its lower leaves because it had Leaf Miners and i had to use an incesticde that burned the leaves (neem oil and things aren\'t available where im at unfortunately)... but it\'s still alive and the top leaves are strong... but strangely it never flowered.... The calices opened up... it\'s been 3 months..It\'s supposed to be Autoflowering blue dream-feminized... and it\'s upper leaves are growing very strangely.. it won\'t grow any more, so there are a ton of top leafy areas but it\'s very basically started growing like a dwarf...about 10 new leaf areas in the matter of 1 inch. ... it\'s got enough leaves and growth areas to be a 3 foot plant but it\'s stunted and all the growth is right near the top... and then it just stopped stretching..and then the very top is growing leaves that don\'t even look like marijuana.. all this happened before the incesticide and leaf miner;br /lt;br /i\'m starting to think it might be a male plant it doesn\'t have any balls but it doesn\'t have any female flowers either and it\'s not growing any more... it\'s not root bound for sure, it\'s a 5 gallon potlt;br /lt;br /maybe it\'s a male plant or can you guys give me any idea what\'s wrong? should i just scrap it at this point or if it\'s not growing maybe i should just put it in complete dark for 24 hours to get it to force flowering?
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