help needed and NO replies WTF

howdie all i have a ? where do we go to get grow tips and answers to our ?s on one of my girls the tips of her leafes are yellow on just the top of her whats up with that and also im doing auto flower do i need to turn the light back to 12/12 to get good results im trying not to have to move my other females that arent auto


hello caba
you will want to post in the main forums to get more attention
frequently asked questions or the growers forum are good areas

i must warn you that with low information comes limited help
can you possibly add a pic?
what medium are you growing in?
have you used any extra nutrients and if yes what kind?
as for 12/12 i vote yes go with 12/12 but i have no auto experience so i am little help
good luck and take care
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