first post

never done a blog before hmm.
well im a colo grower proud and legal with 6 licenced pateints.
my mission is to get medicine to sick people period i am not interested in making a million bucks or becoming famous i love to grow and now finally after 20 plus years can do it legit. its a joyous time in my life but it has its costs.
i love all of my patients they are all wonderful people with so much to offer but they are all dying I will lose em all to death despite my best efforts to help them stay alive they will all die.
its hard sometimes to keep going esp when i am forced to deliver meds to a hospital room to see my peeps so weak and knowing there is nothing i can do is truly a heartbreaker.
any conservitive closed minded assholes that feel medical pot is just an excuse to stay high should do my job for a week, they would see its not all fun and games lets get over on the man but oh god i hope this helps the pain nausea tremmors etc.
they would see the actual reliefe that people get from this plant and would have to see the truth
unless you are a totally uncaring person to see the results of medical canna is a life changing thing.
its medicine not a good time.
to see the one of my patients improving and getting off the opiats is also very encouraging.
thanks to afghooey on of my peeps has gome from using fentanyl patches and eating 5-8 percs a day to just the ocasional perc when things get bad bad.
so if you want to be a caretaker be ready for the additional load of making friends and having to lose them in the end.
I only hope that in the end my karma provides me with someone like myself to help me through.
ok im crrying now time to stop.


My condolences for your emotional burden.
From my understanding caretaking is very draining.
But take encouragement in that not only do you get to meet these wonderful people before they pass on, but you are able to provide relief and comfort to them in their final days.
Keep your head up, you're doing great work!
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I've never considered that part of the equation, it must be very difficult. But, it must also be a great feeling to see you friends more comfortable in their final days. Good Karma to you bro.
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Take to heart that what you are doing is a wonderfull thing. It's heartbreaking getting to know them and the suffering they go through.
I was visiting my Mother (in Missouri ..I too live in Denver, Co.) when she got sick. She was in severe pain for 3 weeks before her Dr. finally put her in the hospital (due to her insurance) and discovered she had severe liver and bone cancer. She wanted to pass away at home so I stayed with her. She passed on 5 weeks later. She was in so much pain and couldn't keep anything down. All the pain pills seemed useless. I wish she could have had the kind of help you give so things would have been easier for her. Believe me, you truely are helping them. God Bless.
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